The seminars

Tactical Creativity Seminar.
A sales target to reach, a Marketing strategy to define, a project to boost, a name or a new idea to find.
Duration : 1 day

Strategic Creativity Seminar
A rapprochement project, the definition of roles in the implementation of an important action, the design of a collaborative vision, a consensus of a “blue ocean” that is relevant. Exchanges to plan in the evening but also escape moments. Outside the company facilities preferably.
Duration : 2 days. Often on Thursday + evening until Friday beg. Afternoon.

Creative Orchestration Training
Targeted to people who are already used to manage meetings in different fields. Strictly limited to 10 people. Circa 10% theory and 90% permanent training. The attendees leave the training knowing how to pilot a group. Outside the company facilities preferably.
Duration : 3 full days

Creative Conventions
The company decides to gather a part of all its employees to make them work together (in workshops) on a project it wants to share. The results are always very much appreciated, considered enthusiastic and rich.
Duration : ½ day

Applied Semiotics Seminar
Targeted to people who would like to discover the tools to enable a coherent communication.
The workshops are applied and enable to master the Greimas contribution (semiotic square) or the work of Umberto Eco (the interpretation limits) in the daily activities.
10% theory, 90% exercises.
Duration : 2 days

Website created by Appius
16, rue Léon Salembien 59200 Tourcoing France - E-mail : - Phone: +33 (0)3 20 70 85 11 – +33 (0)6 07 844 519
SARL capital € 7,622.45 - Registration details : Roubaix-Tourcoing B400 701 629 – SIRET 400 701 629 00026 APE :741G - VAT : FR01400701629